

Back online and a Ninja Popcorn Robot

Well, that took quite a bit longer than anticipated. Despite ordering our new internet connection a good week before we moved into our new flat, it's taken well over a month. This was mainly due to the fact that we needed to reschedule an engineer coming over, and the earliest opportunity was more than 10 days after the originally scheduled date that we were given (which was during working hours, of course!). When he finally did come over, all he needed to do was plug a little device into the phone outlet, dial a number and that was it!

So, we're all moved into our new flat, I've started work, we're exploring the neighbourhood, and springtime is just beginning. I've got some stuff to write about.

Below you'll find a lengthy post which I hope will be informative for anyone who's about to look for a place to live for the first time in Tokyo. It was hell to write. But first, here's a picture of Ninja Popcorn Robot we discovered yesterday. Not only does it make fresh popcorn, it talks too!

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