

Hanami weekend

As this weekend was officially the best time to go look at the cherry blossoms this year, we decided to go visit one of the many sakura festivals held in the city. Going out to see the flowers actually has its own word for it: hanami, "hana" meaning flower, "mi" to look.
Click on the pictures below for a larger image.

Panorama of one of the sakura-lined streets surrounding a block in Akasaka, Tokyo.

While the skies may have been overcast all weekend, it was still a spectacular sight to see these white trees. For me, it was the first time to see it on such a scale. As we first entered the street, we were greeted by a blizzard of flower petals. I took of a video of it, but after putting it online it has been scaled down and recompressed, so much of the effect is lost.

So that's what they look like up close.

Some larger trees seen along the Zempukujigawa. These weren't even the largest around, just the more photogenic ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heej Kees! Hier Joosje, uit het verre, warme (voor de verandering), Nederland

mooie foto's zeg! echt super :) dus je hebt het er wel onwijs naar je zin???

doei!! doe de groetjes aan Naoko he :)

X Joosje